Adding Sustainability to the Mix

Indigo Umbrella was founded back in October 2014, with the strapline “where Science meets Spirituality”.

It is long overdue that Sustainability is officially added to the mix and the programme is actively being expanded to embrace this. There are various aspects to this, including hemp as a sustainable crop; medicinal use of cannabis; forest gardens; ecology in action.

Now, more than ever, we can see all around us that it is vital to bring these elements – Science, Spirituality and Sustainability – closer together. The energy shifts are moving us into the Age of Aquarius, an age of sharing and caring, community and co-operation, and respect for our beautiful planet.

A permanent home for the Indigos will allow us to practice what we preach, and we are working on that – but in the meantime, let’s just all do what we can to look after ourselves, to stay positive, to help others at this time.
In the words of the Indigo mantra:
Stand your Ground. Speak your Truth. Shine your Light.

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