On Friday 18th August, Financial Consultant Richard Smith came along to our discussion group and gave us a fascinating overview of Bitcoin and other Crypto currencies: what are they, how do they work, should we get some ….?
In short, Richard’s view is that if you have an investment portfolio, why not put some of it – perhaps the last 10% or so – into Bitcoin? It has increased in value enormously over the past few years – because, unlike so-called Fiat currencies – there is a finite number of Bitcoins. And if you don’t have serious money to invest? As Richard says, in London now, you can buy Bitcoins from vending machines, and as soon as a mobile app is introduced to make using Bitcoin easier, it will take off. “If you can set up a PayPal account, you can set up your Bitcoin wallet,” was the way he put it.

You can browse or print out his notes by clicking on the link below – well worth a read!
Digital Currency

If you would like to contact Richard direct, his details are as follows:
0774 007 6226


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