Bosnian Pyramids – the 3 biggest discoveries of 2020

In this short video (just 9 minutes), Dr Sam Osmanagich explains the three biggest discoveries at those amazing pyramids and enigmatic tunnels in Visoko, Bosnia.

If you are saying, “What pyramids in Bosnia?” – then look at some of the other videos here on this site or check out the official Foundation website here:

The largest pyramid in the Valley of the Pyramids in Visoko is one third again larger than the biggest one in Egypt, and has been dated at 29,200 years, which makes it the largest and the oldest in the world.

Some of the dry walls in the tunnels date back at least 19,000 years – the earliest are at least 5,000 years, and more, older levels are being discovered – and they have remarkable healing properties.

Do go and learn more. And if you would like to come with us on our next visit, simply let me know and I will add you to the list! My mobile number is 07597 020 512: I look forward to hearing from you!

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