Category: Judy Interviews

Judy Interviews Nicola Peel

Judy Interviews Nicola Peel

Nicola Peel is an environmental solutionist, an author, a speaker – and a real powerhouse! Here, she talks about her work in the Amazon rainforests, and about her sessions at the EARTH workshop on Sunday 3rd October. She will talk about aspects of her work at the workshop, and will lead a vision quest in the beautiful grounds and woodland. Given the years of work she has done with indigenous tribes, shamans and healers, this will be a very powerful, highly personal experience for each individual there. The workshop is in a country house on the Surrey / Sussex borders, which has some en-suite accommodation for those who would like to stay over before or after the event. Tickets are £80 for the day to include light refreshments and a buffet-style lunch. More information from me on 07597 020 512.

Exploring the Elements – Earth – Judy Interviews

Exploring the Elements – Earth – Judy Interviews

You can find links here to interviews that I have done with our two key speakers for the day – environmental solutionist Nicola Peel; and geomancer, water diviner and Feng Shui master Richard Creightmore. Tickets to this full-day workshop – in real life, with real people, in real Nature – are just £80 to include a real two-course buffet lunch.  More information if needed from me at: Here’s me with Richard Creightmore: And here’s me with Nicola Peel