Tagged: Covid-19

Mike Yeadon on his epiphany as mankind faced evil – The Conservative Woman

Even if you are spiritual rather than religious, this will resonate with you – the moment Mike Yeadon faced Evil – and was given strength to cope. Article by Kathy Gyngell with edited extract from James Delingpole’s recent Podcast with Mike Yeadon. Mike Yeadon on his epiphany as mankind faced evil – The Conservative Woman



This does not make for pleasant viewing, I warn you. Do not watch it over breakfast, it will curdle your cornflakes and spoil your day! The video is just over half an hour, and it spells out in no uncertain terms the implications of the J. A. B. that are coming to light as time passes – heart attacks, blood clots and all the rest. But also alarming rates of miscarriages and, where pregnancies do reach full term, strange anomalies in the babies . . . And if you haven’t had the J. A. B. – you are not safe! That thing called shedding that the conspiracy theorists talked about? Seems they were right about that, as they were about everything else to do with this whole thing. https://www.bitchute.com/video/1PDslsRRaPbx/

Dr Reiner Fuellmich update, October 2022

Dr Reiner Fuellmich update, October 2022

Dr Reiner Fuellmich is an international lawyer who has been at the forefront of the legal battle against the Pox and the Jab. It is perhaps not surprising that he is not popular with, shall we say, certain factions who are behind the MSM narrative. He has been off the scene for some time, and this article that was published in the Nexus Newsfeed is from Dr Fuellmich himself: There is a video in there too. https://nexusnewsfeed.com/article/geopolitics/reiner-fuellmich-encouraging-update-after-false-allegations/

Russell Brand on football VIPs getting away with no quarantine

Russell Brand on football VIPs getting away with no quarantine

I am a great fan of Russell Brand and his take on what is happening all around us. I would encourage you to go and look at his channel on YouTube, but this is a lovely example of him calling out the sheer hypocrisy of bringing UEFA officials and other VIPs into England for the Euro football finals with no controls, no quarantine measures … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgfzZIluR1g&t=230s

Dr Malcolm Kendrick – how deadly is the 19 Thing really?

Dr Malcolm Kendrick – how deadly is the 19 Thing really?

Calm, common sense from Dr Malcolm Kendrick: 7th February 2021 I have spent large chunks of my life trying to untangle medial data and research. COVID19 has long since defeated me. I have been unable to make any sense of the information we are bombarded with daily. So, I decided to go back to basics. At the start of the COVID19 saga, I was interested to know what the infection fatality rate (IFR) was likely to be. I felt I could then have a go at comparing it to other diseases, primarily influenza. The infection fatality is the number of people infected with the virus who then die. This is very different to the case fatality rate (CFR), which is the number of people infected with the disease who become unwell enough (sometimes, but not always) to be admitted to hospital – the ‘cases’. Who then die. Before COVID19 appeared, there used to be a reasonably clear distinction between the infection fatality rate (IFR), and the case fatality fate (CFR) and it is important that they should not get mixed up. Because the case fatality rate is almost always far higher than the infection fatality rate – as you would...

Full, informed consent – the basis of the Nuremberg Trials. Do we need more now?

Full, informed consent – the basis of the Nuremberg Trials. Do we need more now?

This video is just 12 minutes long and I would suggest that you make time to watch it. It is a call to arms, to hold individuals accountable for the deaths and injuries resulting from the vaccine, and the loss and damage to businesses and livelihoods as a result of locking up,. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3DNV7v5i74&feature=youtu.be

How the year is going to unfold – the view from Clif High

How the year is going to unfold – the view from Clif High

I first came across Clif High (yes, it is only one “f” in Clif) some years ago, but he fell off my radar for some reason. Just a couple of days ago an Indigo sent me a link to this video which reminded me how much I enjoy his take on the world. Let me give a little background to give some context as to how he explains things. He started out as a financial analyst, and devised a  sophisticated set of computer algorithms to help him predict market movements. The data would highlight key words or even emotions that were “bubbling under” before they started trending. He noticed various things that would come up that, apparently, had little to do with his financial work, so he put them into a folder that he called “Woo”. In the end, the Woo took over! His broad approach takes in everything from ETs and UFOs to vaccines and viruses – well, everything, in fact, that we (GlobalPop in his language) are reacting to and talking about. The video is about 35 minutes and will give you, I feel sure, another perspective on what “The Year of Woo” has in store for us:...