Tagged: Donald Trump

Who will be President?

Who will be President?

I am not a political creature by nature but the US election on 3rd November had – and has – implications way beyond the national borders of America. The following is my personal view, based on information I have gleaned from a number of sources. Like so much else that is going on in the world today, it is (I believe) a multi-layered affair that has little to do with Democrat v Republican. They are just convenient “team names” for what is going on behind the scenes, something much bigger, much broader and much more important than most people imagine. One view is that Trump is a sexist, racist Buffoon of a Man, far too dangerous to have his chubby fingers anywhere near the Nuclear Red Button. Certainly this is the view that the Main Stream Media (MSM) have peddled since the day in 2016 when he so surprisingly defeated Hillary Clinton to become President. Never has a sitting President has such continual negative media coverage and so little positive coverage of what he has achieved  (see the article “Buffoon in the White House” for more information). Others believe that he was put there to do a job, and that...