Tagged: EMFs

Restored Health and Vitality from Ditching My Cell Phone – Article by K. Burke

For those of you who are interested in EMFs and Wi-Fi radiation – and for those of you who think it is all a load of rubbish – this is a really interesting article. Arthur Finkelstein’s book is a must, and this lady, as his executive assistant, had to give up her mobile phone to work with him. She tells you exactly what a difference it made to her. Long article but well worth a read. Restored Health and Vitality from Ditching my Cell Phone  

How to protect your home from EMFs

How to protect your home from EMFs

There is a lot of debate about protecting yourself and your home from WiFi radiation, or EMFs, or microwave radiation, or 5G. Some will say that nothing works, the only remedy is avoidance – and that is getting increasingly difficult, of course, as the networks multiply and cover even more of the countryside. Others swear by crystals (especially Shungite); or by gadgets and gizmos that claim to “harmonise” or “neutralise” the damaging radiation waves. Talking to those who are seriously affected by this radiation, it becomes clear that, as with so much, there is not a “one size fits all” solution. There is protective clothing, and grounding sheets, and paint that apparently reflects the harmful radiation. I have seen Electrosensitive people coming to workshops and conferences dressed almost like beekeepers, clad head to toe in protective clothing such is their level of sensitivity. This report gives some ideas and suggestions – what I would say is, do your own research, do your own homework, understand that what works for your friend, or the guy who is selling you whatever it is, may not work for you – and that is not your fault, it’s just the way it is. 7-Essential-Ways-to-Make-Your-Home-Safe-FINAL

Three international scientists get together in the Sussex countryside

Three international scientists get together in the Sussex countryside

The Making Waves events in May brought together three eminent scientists – Dr George Carlo from USA; Professor Olle Johansson from Sweden; and Dr Dimitris Panagopoulos from Greece. They have co-authored several scientific papers but had never been together in the same place at the same time before, so it was a very special occasion. Saturday was dedicated to people who are already electro-sensitive and Sunday was for those who wanted to know more about the health issues related to microwave radiation. The events were full to the brim, and everyone enjoyed not only listening to the speakers but meeting each other and sharing stories. There will be other events – watch this space – the issues will not go away, we all need to make lots of noise and raise awareness. Here is a photo of me with the scientists in the beautiful ballroom of Sedgwick Park House where the events were held. From left to right:  Dr Dimitris Panagopoulos; Dr George Carlo; me (Judy Sharp); Professor Olle Johansson.