Tagged: Extraterrestrials



This coming week, Sunday  5th to Tuesday 14th July,there is a meditation for universal contact with peaceful extraterrestrials. The Facebook page describes the event like this: Featuring indigenous elders, evolutionary and spiritual leaders, ancient history scholars, extraterrestrial researchers, and musicians, each day includes meditations, talks, music and more. Our intention is to help humanity take another step towards realizing our intrinsic connection with all life and our role as planetary stewards within a larger universal community.”  If you would like to sign up to this event (it is free of charge) go here: https://www.facebook.com/HarmonicConvergence2020/videos/310446929971147/?v=310446929971147 SEDONA has long been recognised as a place of special spiritual power. The magnificent – and magnetic – red rocky mountains apparently hold the crystalline 5D grid and the vortices (should that be vortexes?) in the mountains create inter-dimensional portals, heightened vibration and frequency, and transformational awakenings of ET contact. The short clip shows Shekina Rose chanting / singing special sounds to link with higher dimensional beings. Personally, I found the sounds entrancing – hope you like it too.



As Elaine says, “throughout my life, things have always been a bit different!” In 1992 she was contacted by a higher dimensional being from the Sirius system, who joined with others from many star systems to give information about them as beings, and details of their involvement with Planet Earth. From this was born her first book, “Voices from Our Galaxy”. It begins with her young life as a child emerging into a world that for her was so normal and yet to others was unbelievable; documenting some of the incredible paranormal events that shaped her personal destiny. Messages were first for us to get to know them as they really are, and not be afraid because they look different. We are, after all, just another race among many in this galaxy. The book is rich with information from extraterrestrials who become both her friends and her teachers. In her next book, “To Andromeda and Beyond”, she ws shown amazing possibilities for mankind, multi-level functioning of the human body in its physical and energetic form, and how unused parts of our human energy field form the gateway to our future spiritual growth and entering higher dimensions. Elaine’s latest book  “Raising...