Tagged: funerals

Dying to Know part 2 – Preparation and Practicalities

Dying to Know part 2 – Preparation and Practicalities

How do you open up and have “those” conversations? When? How? Who with? How do you take control of the end of your own life, making known what you want – and, just as importantly, what you don’t want. Not only things like an oak casket or a willow one, wear bright colours, no flowers, but also things like what treatment you would not want, where you want to end your life given a choice – these, too, are important. But unless you make it clear, get it down in writing, who will know?  Do you know the difference between an Advance Statement and an Advance Decision? Which one is legally binding? Do you know your CPR from your DNAR? What are the only three things you have to do legally when someone dies? Can you bury uncle George in your back garden? Talking of funerals -we will take you behind the scenes: how does a body end up at a funeral director? What’s the process of obtaining a death certificate? What are the options for “send-offs” nowadays? Is a direct cremation really the best option? What does it all cost? We bust the myths around those “dark arts”. And...