Tagged: Magravs

Free Energy – Lawrence tells us more

Free Energy – Lawrence tells us more

Ahead of Lawrence Brightman’s presentation on Free Energy on Saturday 9th July, I asked him for some more details about what he would be talking about. This is what he shared with me – I don’t pretend to understand it, but it will make a lot of sense to a lot of people, I’m sure! Over to Lawrence: The magravs are practical, and can be used to lower electrical consumption by about 30%. They only need to be installed for about 3 months in order to condition wiring, and can then be removed. In that way, a “rental service” of magravs could be instituted to provide savings over time. Magravs can be made with a little effort, or they can be obtained on eBay, for example. Of course, none of this is supported by conventional physics or electrical theory. Nor is there any support for magrav operation in alternative physics or free energy circuits – but they still work. I will be discussing all this in the talk. I will also be bringing a few circuits and coils which use resonant methods of collecting “cold electricity” from the aether. I will have one of these circuits on, charging a battery,...