Tagged: Pfizer
Dr David Lloyd vs Andrew Bridgen MP on the Pfizer Covid vaccine – Neil Oliver interview
Those of you who are following the ongoing pox and jab debate might enjoy this – only about 12 minutes. As it’s Wimbledon time, I might well say, “new balls please!”
That Pfizzy Pharma Company – yes, more
Leaked footage has emerged of Pfizer executives hosting a Colombian presidential candidate and his friends on board a luxury yacht. And to keep these over-worked, stressed businessmen company? Why, a bevy of bikini-clad young ladies, of course, serving drinks and no doubt mopping perspiring brows too . . . Watch this 15-minute video of Russell Brand – he really does know how to mock the wicked, doesn’t he? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQdik4bUZ6Q
Resignations of Big Pharma CEOs? I wonder why?
This emerged in April of 2022, but is still valid a few months on – the revelations continue and as they do, it gets murkier. Now that it has emerged that Pfizer knew their job would kill, is it a coincidence that these top Big Pharma CEOs are resigning? I think not. Story featured in latest issue of The Light newspaper as well. https://prepareforchange.net/…/the-cfos-of-pfizer-and…/
Mike Yeadon full interview