Tagged: Phil Sterling

Phil Sterling, Astrology and Voice Analysis Sound Healing, back by popular demand Sunday 25th September 2022

Phil Sterling, Astrology and Voice Analysis Sound Healing, back by popular demand Sunday 25th September 2022

                The last time Phil made the long trek from Manchester to the borders of East and West Sussex, he really didn’t know what sort of reception he would get. I could have told him it would be wonderful, but he soon discovered that for himself! It was a fabulous day – he talked about astrology in the morning and then moved on to voice analysis sound healing in the afternoon. What’s the connection? Frequencies. Our birth charts are unique to us, set by the position of the planets at our time of birth. Each planet has its own frequency and this, together with its position, creates our blueprint. Likewise our voices are unique, again made up of tones or frequencies. The principle of voice analysis sound healing is to record the client’s voice, then run it through software to analyse the tones. This produces a coloured bar chart so the client can easily see which tones are perhaps a tad high or way low. A “tone box” can then be programmed to feed back to the body the tones that will bring the system literally back into harmony. What Phil has done,...

A Poem for Humanity, by Phil Sterling

A Poem for Humanity, by Phil Sterling

Well, when I say “by Phil Sterling”, he would probably disagree, and say that he was only the one putting pen to paper – we understand that, and acknowledge the inspiration behind the words. Phil is an accomplished astrologer, and works with the voice analysis sound process – it’s a very powerful, effective blend of healing modalities.   A Poem for Humanity. This lockdown keeps the people in and patience might be wearing thin but we must learn to stop and wait and just sit down to meditate. It calms the soul and clears the mind our angers and frustrations find that suddenly they are not there and life is easier to bear. Our health and our immunity can once more with impunity be ours to choose without the frills so long as we don’t take the pills dolled out like sweets by people who without the fullest education view your needs with an emotion bland compliance is what they demand. So herbs and spices now accrue, some garlic cloves, and ginger too your inner fire you must keep bright so when your system needs to fight the poisons and the toxins sent by institutes with mal intent you will...