Here is a short video – less than 10 minutes – where Richard Creightmore and Nicola Peel tell you about their work and what they will be sharing with you at the Earth workshop on Sunday 3rd October 2021. Venue is a lovely country house on the Surrey / Sussex borders. Tickets are £80 for the day, to include light refreshments and 2-course buffet lunch. Limited en-suite accommodation is available at the venue if required or desired – with some 10 acres of gardens and woodlands to enjoy, why not take a bit of time for you? If you would like to book your place, please get in touch – I look forward to hearing from you!
So excited to be getting back to real live events with real live people in real live Nature! This workshop is the first in our series exploring the Elements, and it is being held at Yew Lodge, a lovely country house on the Surrey / Sussex borders, set in 10 acres of gardens and woodlands. En-suite bedroom accommodation is available for those who would like to make a weekend of it – and why wouldn’t you?
You can find links here to interviews that I have done with our two key speakers for the day – environmental solutionist Nicola Peel; and geomancer, water diviner and Feng Shui master Richard Creightmore. Tickets to this full-day workshop – in real life, with real people, in real Nature – are just £80 to include a real two-course buffet lunch. More information if needed from me at: Here’s me with Richard Creightmore: And here’s me with Nicola Peel
I am really excited to share early information about a series of one-day workshops under the title Exploring the Elements. The first of these, Earth, will take place on Sunday 3rd October 2021 at Yew Lodge, on the Surrey / Sussex borders. International environmentalist, inspirational speaker and solutionist Nicola Peel will be the anchor speaker at all four of the workshops, which follow the seasons. She is joined for the Earth day by Richard Creightmore, Geomancer, Water Diviner, Earth Acupuncturist and Feng Shui Master. Together they will lead a day of theory and practice, in the classroom and in the beautiful gardens and woodland. Nicola will talk about some of the projects she has been involved with in the Amazon region with indigenous people, and will lead a vision quest so everyone has a chance to “journey”. Richard will talk about earth energies and leys, and their implications for health & wellbeing of places and people. He will also lead a practical session in the grounds, dowsing leys – everyone can practice with him – and giving a demonstration of earth acupuncture. Price for the day is £80 to include light refreshments and a two-course buffet lunch. Limited en-suite accommodation...
On Saturday 21st March 2020, Spring Equinox, the re-creation of the original Brighton Experiment took place, although not exactly in the format planned. The Coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic meant that travel was restricted, venues were closed, people were being urged to stay home. Suzanne Thomas of Fountain International and I had asked people not to come to Brighton in person, but rather to send their healing energy to the fountain at The Old Steine in Brighton from the comfort and safety of their own homes, from 3.30pm to 4pm. The intention was to send love and light and healing to the fountain, the local “hara” or power point, and from there out into the local community. Geomancer, dowser, ley line specialist and earth acupuncturist extraordinaire Richard Creightmore dowsed the area around the fountain on Monday 16th March, and again directly before and after the actual meditation on Saturday 21st March. This shows the extent of the increase in energy field before and after the meditation. Inner ring shows the outermost of 5 circles before the meditation. Outer ring shows the outermost of 33 circles after the meditation. His full report is here: 100 Healers Brighton Experiment Revisited – Saturday 21st...
Back in the Autumn of 2019 I knew nothing of Colin Bloy and my knowledge of the Fountain Group was scant to say the least. I was researching material for a series of TV programmes based on Brighton and a friend suggested that The Brighton Experiment might be something to look at. As soon as I started delving, I felt that this was something I needed to know more about. It fascinated me. I decided that it would be a good idea to re-create the experiment – and from that point, the project took on a life of its own! Let’s go back to 1981. A wave of civil unrest is sweeping the country, fuelled by racism and class inequality. Emotions run high, and blood is shed in inner-city riots such as those at Toxteth. In Brighton – still suffering from weekend run-ins and violence after the regular seafront confrontations of the Mods and Rockers in the late 1960s – a dowser and healer called Colin Bloy was conducting experiments with the use of energy in healing. His studies had already shown that healing energy worked on plants and animals as well as people. He knew that this energy could...
Water is the very essence of life, and yet we so often take it for granted.Join three very diverse speakers, each with their own way of working with water, for a fascinating day as we explore and experience the Science, Consciousness and Healing Power of Water.Venue is Sedgwick Park House, a beautiful Grade II listed manor house near Horsham in West Sussex. Some sessions will be held in the ballroom and others in the extensive park-like gardens and grounds. The day will include a practical demonstration of tracking Geopathic Stress and using Earth Acupuncture to cure it; your chance to try your hand at dowsing; and at least one water ceremony, as well as plenty of time for discussion, questions and answers.Speakers for the day are international speaker and independent water researcher Matt Thornton; professional Geomancer Richard Creightmore and Jeremy Jones, Senior UK Consultant for Grander Water.Places are limited – book yours now by calling me on 07597 020 512 or emailing me Tickets are £45. Light refreshments will be supplied, you are invited to bring your own lunch.
Geomancer Richard Creightmore is very clear: the disruption to the earth caused by bulldozers and other heavy machines in the process of clearing land and building residential or commercial properties, or roads, bridges and so on, definitely creates geopathic stress. Here he talks with Judy Sharp about the damage done, at many levels.
Richard Creightmore’s preferred remedy for geopathic stress is earth acupuncture. Just as acupuncture on the human body releases blocked energy and restores a healthy flow, so acupuncture on the earth does the same thing. Richard explains to Judy Sharp how he works with his “wands” – and why he stands well back for a while when he has inserted them into the ground!
CHRONIC ILLNESS? IT MIGHT BE DOWN TO GEOPATHIC STRESS! Richard Creightmore modestly calls himself a “Jobbing Geomancer” – in reality, he has been a professional for decades, and is very highly regarded both as a practitioner and as a teacher. In this short clip, Richard explains to Judy Sharp what geopathic stress is and how it can affect health and wellbeing!