16th January – are there dots to be joined here?
WARNING – THIS REPORT COMES FROM WAY DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE OF CONSPRIACY! Stand by your beds – stock up your cupboards – keep the coffee coming – those who look around can see clear signs now that things are happening. Let me just bring together a few threads that may or may not have anything to do with anything … Baron Benjamin de Rothschild has just died in Switzerland. He was only 58, he had a heart attack – such a shame for one so young, for such a leading member of that long-established banking dynasty. “Nine Catholic bishops with Covid 19 die in a single week” – that is an actual headline, from the Catholic News Agency, no less. Four died on the same day – 13th January. The nine were aged between 53 and 91, and were based in various countries around the world. Is it a coincidence, I wonder, that the Vatican, one of the three key pillars of darkness along with the City of London and Washington DC, has again been in the news this week? Not only for the fact that it controlled the Leonardo satellites that shifted data and money around the world...