Tagged: Russell Brand

Even Sesame street is promoting the Job now

Even Sesame street is promoting the Job now

Question: is it right to use a mainstream TV programme aimed at children, with puppets, to promote the use of the jab? Answer: I would suggest not. But that is what’s happening, with Sesame Street’s Elmo having the jab and the whole family talking about it. But only the bits that fit the narrative of course., So is our Russell – good for him. Did someone mention propaganda? about 11 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHa10lZch9c

That Pfizzy Pharma Company – yes, more

That Pfizzy Pharma Company – yes, more

Leaked footage has emerged of Pfizer executives hosting a Colombian presidential candidate and his friends on board a luxury yacht. And to keep these over-worked, stressed businessmen company? Why, a bevy of bikini-clad young ladies, of course, serving drinks and no doubt mopping perspiring brows too . . . Watch this 15-minute video of Russell Brand – he really does know how to mock the wicked, doesn’t he? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQdik4bUZ6Q

Russell Brand on football VIPs getting away with no quarantine

Russell Brand on football VIPs getting away with no quarantine

I am a great fan of Russell Brand and his take on what is happening all around us. I would encourage you to go and look at his channel on YouTube, but this is a lovely example of him calling out the sheer hypocrisy of bringing UEFA officials and other VIPs into England for the Euro football finals with no controls, no quarantine measures … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgfzZIluR1g&t=230s