Tagged: Spirit guides

Channelling Workshop with Candace Caddick – now on Sunday 9th April

Channelling Workshop with Candace Caddick – now on Sunday 9th April

Silly me! When I scheduled the workshop “Channelling your Spirit Guides” with Candace Caddick, I completely overlooked the fact that the original date was also Mother’s Day. That meant that several people who wanted to come along couldn’t do so. Candace has kindly agreed to find another date – SUNDAY 9th APRIL. The times have also changed a little – it will now run from 10am – 4pm, and the price has been reduced to just £50.  Venue is the same – Forest Row Community Centre. Please do let me know if you’d like to come along – it will be a great day with lots of practical work and exercises to do at home too.