Tagged: vaccination
Even Sesame street is promoting the Job now
Question: is it right to use a mainstream TV programme aimed at children, with puppets, to promote the use of the jab? Answer: I would suggest not. But that is what’s happening, with Sesame Street’s Elmo having the jab and the whole family talking about it. But only the bits that fit the narrative of course., So is our Russell – good for him. Did someone mention propaganda? about 11 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WHa10lZch9c
That Pfizzy Pharma Company – yes, more
Leaked footage has emerged of Pfizer executives hosting a Colombian presidential candidate and his friends on board a luxury yacht. And to keep these over-worked, stressed businessmen company? Why, a bevy of bikini-clad young ladies, of course, serving drinks and no doubt mopping perspiring brows too . . . Watch this 15-minute video of Russell Brand – he really does know how to mock the wicked, doesn’t he? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQdik4bUZ6Q
How the year is going to unfold – the view from Clif High
I first came across Clif High (yes, it is only one “f” in Clif) some years ago, but he fell off my radar for some reason. Just a couple of days ago an Indigo sent me a link to this video which reminded me how much I enjoy his take on the world. Let me give a little background to give some context as to how he explains things. He started out as a financial analyst, and devised a sophisticated set of computer algorithms to help him predict market movements. The data would highlight key words or even emotions that were “bubbling under” before they started trending. He noticed various things that would come up that, apparently, had little to do with his financial work, so he put them into a folder that he called “Woo”. In the end, the Woo took over! His broad approach takes in everything from ETs and UFOs to vaccines and viruses – well, everything, in fact, that we (GlobalPop in his language) are reacting to and talking about. The video is about 35 minutes and will give you, I feel sure, another perspective on what “The Year of Woo” has in store for us:...
Is it just a jab, or is there more to it? Dr Lee Merrit explains