Tagged: Violet Year

Healing with Violet, the colour of the crown chakra, with Mark Wentworth.

Healing with Violet, the colour of the crown chakra, with Mark Wentworth.

My friend Mark Wentworth is coming to town. He is the founder of Colour for Life and creator and developer of the Colour Psycho Dynamics Method. Mark will lead a workshop all about Violet – the colour of 2023, the colour of the Crown Chakra. We will learn about the gifts and healing written into our crown chakras – the blueprints of who we were meant to be. Mark will show us how to use these tools to navigate 2023 and beyond, living and being the healing power of Violet. Saturday 18th March Newick Village Hall BN8 4LE £35 Contact me to reserve your place: judy@inidgoumbrella.co.uk or 07597 020 512.