The Foot Soldiers – inspired writing by Fran

Fran is a lady I have known for many years. She is in her late ’80s and I have helped her produce a little book of her “inspired” poetry called Rhymes for our Times, which is delightful.

That project is complete, but the inspiration continues, and this is one of Fran’s more recent writings – The Foot Soldiers:


A large proportion of the world’s population is being shocked and stunned by the realisation that the direction of our lives on this planet can be disrupted at best, or ended at worst, by overwhelming events over which we have seemingly little or no control.

We are all aware that our world has experienced plagues, pestilence and natural disasters in the known and unknown past, reaching back to creation.

Pioneers in the centuries past and present have brought us to our current knowledge of all known and new sciences, including medicine.

Illustrious medical leaders and institutions are racing to beat time now.

We can play our part too.

Just ordinary people, the foot soldiers, of all nationalities and beliefs, have been galvanized into action, offering help, whatever and wherever we can. Our own efforts that can alleviate fear, distress and isolation. It may well have been assumed that in this competitive age of technology and materialism; greed and narcissism, that the instincts to help each other regardless of self-interest had been forgotten. Not so. We see around us now all the evidence of human love and compassion.

Our combined and unprecedented efforts will prevail.

March 2020

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